Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Not Gonna Lie: My Non-Intro-Intro to a Non-Hipster Blog

I'll by-pass the formal introduction, you should know that I am lying about my name, but Everything Else is true.  Everything Else will be unraveled later.

Like you, I dream of becoming a hipsterly revered blogger segued into a small but noble literary following , however; painfully forgotten in 10 years, during which time I will suffer but it will be this suffering which ignites my best work and I will be gloriously but posthumously remembered as the great literary genius my parents purport me to be.

But let's face it, I'm also lazy and easily distracted so I've decided to spend as much time writing this blog as you will spend reading it. Hence the name "5 Minute Coffee Break"  that's about as much time as any of us have to spare in our extremely busy and important lives. To make this genuine, I wont edit and I wont think too much about it either.

I'll write about topics that interest me, current events,  thoughts or feelings that bother or inspire me, semi-confessional/semi-venti rantings.

I wont limit the subject matter so feel free to give me some inspiration!

Bring it


  1. Hey! I'm lazy too :D But I hope you aren't too lazy that you'll stop blogging.

    Good luck!

    1. Hi Winnie! Thank you for the comment and the vote of confidence. I will endeavor to not be too lazy ;-)
      Stay tuned for another 5 minute blog!
